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Table 1 Antibodies used in the present study, source, dilution, type, species reactivity, immunogen, negative and positive controls used.

From: Evidence for oxidative stress in the developing cerebellum of the rat after chronic mild carbon monoxide exposure (0.0025% in air)


Dilution/antibody type

Species reactivity/immunogen ***

Negative control

Positive control/cellular location

Pan neurofilament/Zymed

1:500/mouse monoclonal

Rat, mouse, human/human cocktail neurofilament low, middle and high molecular weight peptides

No antibody on ICC

Mouse, rat human, cerebellar cortex*/neuron perikarya and axons


1:1000/rabbit polyclonal

Rat, bovine, human/synapsin I (Ia and Ib) bovine brain

No antibody on ICC

Mouse, rat cerebellar cortex*/nerve terminals


1:1000/mouse monoclonal

Rat, mouse, human, goat/bovine kidney – calbindin D-28k

No antibody on ICC

Mouse, rat cerebellar cortex*/Purkinje cell arborization


1:1000/mouse monoclonal

Rat, human, bovine/Parvalbumin purified from frog muscle

No antibody on ICC

Purkinje cell arborization, basket cells mice and human cerebella

SOD-1/Santa Cruz

1:500/rabbit polyclonal

Rat, mouse, human/aa 1–154 full length human SOD-1

Antibody absorption with peptide on ICC

Rat* and mice** intestine/luminal epithelial cells


1:1000/rabbit polyclonal

Drosophila and several vertebrates/full length rat SOD-2 protein

No antibody on ICC

Mouse and rat cerebellar cortex and brain stem/neuronal soma

HO-1/Santa Cruz

1:500/Goat polyclonal

Rat, mouse, human/peptide mapping C-terminus of HO-1 of rat origin

Antibody absorption with peptide on ICC

Rat postnatal day 6 cerebellum cortex*/neurons and blood vessels



Rat, mouse, human, rabbit, cow, dog/full length protein

No antibody on ICC

Rat cerebellum*/Purkinje cell soma

Abcam iNOS/Chemicon

polyclonal 1:1000/rabbit polyclonal

Rat, mouse/C-terminal 14 aa peptide from mouse macrophage iNOS

No antibody on ICC

LPS mouse brain, inner ear*/macrophages in blood vessels


1:1000/rabbit polyclonal

Rat, mouse, human/peptide corresponding amino acids 724–739 of human brain NOS coupled to KHL

No antibody on ICC

Normal rat, mice, PCs and layer 5 primary neurons


1:500/mouse monoclonal

Rat, mouse, bovine, human/Bovine eNOS purified from cultured aortic EC

No antibody on ICC

Blood vessels from human and mouse brain.


1:1000/Mouse monoclonal

Rat, pig, human/Purified GFAP from pig spinal cord

No antibody on ICC

Human cortex and cerebella.


1:1000/mouse polyclonal

Rat, mouse, human/nitrated KLH

No antibody on ICC

Normal human cerebellum** 95 year old/neuronal somata


1:2000/mouse monoclonal

Rat, mouse, human/Recombinant GAD67 protein

No antibody on ICC

Normal mouse brain and cerebellum.

Ferritin H/Santa Cruz

1:500/rabbit polyclonal

Rat, mouse, human/aa 131–183 of ferritin heavy chain of human

No antibody on ICC

Normal human cerebellar cortex** 98 year old/neuronal somata

Ferritin L/Sigma

1:1000/rabbit polyclonal

Rat, mouse, human horse spleen ferritin

No antibody on ICC

Normal human cerebellar cortex** 98 year old/glial cells

  1. * From rats in the present study, ** Tissue available at authors laboratory, aa: amino acid, ICC: immunocytochemistry; LPS: lipo-polysaccharide treated mice; P: postnatal day; *** as per vendor specifications.