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Figure 10 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 10

From: The temporal and spatial expression pattern of the LGI1 epilepsy predisposition gene during mouse embryonic cranial development

Figure 10

Laser scanning confocal images showing co-expression of Lgi1-containg cells with nestin (n) and doublecortin (DCX) in distinct regions of mouse brain at embryonic stages E9.5 to E15.5. A. Coronal view of the cephalic region at E9.5 showing regions of Lgi1 expression seen in Figure A.1-6. A.1 High magnification of the optic vesicle neuroepithelium (ovn) and cephalic mesenchyme (cm) showing Lgi1 expressing cells which also express DCX A.2 and nestin A.3 overlaid in A.5. Lgi1 expressing cells do not express nestin as showed in Figure A.6. A.4. Shows DAPI staining for the same region. B. Frontal view (H & E stained) of an E10.5 mouse brain defining regions seen in Figures B.1-6. B.1. Shows Lgi1 expressing cells in pretectal neuroepithelium (pn) which also express DCX B.2 and nestin B.3 overlaid with DCX B.5 and nestin B.6. DAPI staining for this region is shown in B.4.

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