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Figure 1 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 1

From: Reduction in neural activation to high-calorie food cues in obese endometrial cancer survivors after a behavioral lifestyle intervention: a pilot study

Figure 1

Post-Treatment Compared to Baseline for High-Calorie vs. Non-Food Post-Meal Contrast in Obese Endometrial Cancer Patients Receiving a 16 Session/6-month Behavioral Lifestyle Intervention. A) Main effect (saggital view) of significant (whole brain cluster corrected, p < 0.05) decreased activations (blue) post-treatment (PostTx) compared to baseline (PreTx) for high-calorie vs. non-food objects in the fed state: a) precuneus; b) thalamus; c) cingulate gyrus; d) posterior cingulate; e) lateral globus pallidus; f) claustrum. B) Mean BOLD effect (mean beta value) at PostTx (blue) and PreTx (red) by calorie condition. In these regions, high-calorie vs. non-food contrasts were significantly (p < 0.001) lower PostTx vs. PreTx (solid blue vs. solid red) (see text).

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