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Figure 1 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 1

From: Characterisation of CART-containing neurons and cells in the porcine pancreas, gastro-intestinal tract, adrenal and thyroid glands

Figure 1

Nerve fibers and ganglia in porcine pancreas double immunostained for CART (A, D, G, J) and VIP (B, E, H, K); merged in C, F, I, L. A–C: Large nerve trunk. D–F: delicate nerve fiber. G–I: Intrapancreatic ganglion. Note high degree of colocalisation of CART and VIP in nerve fibers and nerve cell bodies. J–L: CART IR nerve cell body devoid of VIP, but surrounded by VIP IR fibers. Colocalisation exemplified with arrowheads. Scale bars = 20 μm.

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