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Fig. 7 | BMC Neuroscience

Fig. 7

From: Generation of a novel monoclonal antibody that recognizes the alpha (α)-amidated isoform of a valine residue

Fig. 7

Distribution of PC18C5 mAb-ir in the rat brain. The figure illustrates the rostrocaudal distribution of PC18C5 mAb-ir in 40-μm-thick sagittal slices in fixed rat brain tissue (ae). Bright-field photomicrographs (×40) of sagittal sections of the rat brain display lateral-to-medial aspects of the rat brain regions displaying Val-CONH2-ir. The neuroanatomical areas showing PC18C5 mAb-ir were identified according to the rat brain atlas of Paxinos and Watson [46]. Cortex: FrA frontal association cortex, M1 primary motor cortex, M2 secondary motor cortex, S1HL primary somatosensory cortex, PtA parietal association cortex, V1M primary visual cortex (monocular), V2MM secondary visual cortex mediomedial, V2ML secondary visual cortex mediolateral, RSA retrosplenial agranular cortex, RSGa retrosplenial granular A cortex, Cg1 cingular cortex area 1–2. Olfactory system: OB Olfactory bulb, AOB accessory olfactory bulb, AOD anterior accessory olfactory nucleus, dorsal, AOV anterior accessory olfactory nucleus, ventral, AOL anterior accessory olfactory nucleus, lateral, AOM anterior accessory olfactory nucleus, medial, AOE anterior accessory olfactory nucleus, external, Tu olfactory tubercle, BAOT bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract, LOT nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract. Hippocampus: Hi hippocampal C1–C4 fields and dentate gyrus, fi fimbria, S subiculum. Basal Ganglia: CPu caudoputamen, AcbC accumbens nucleus core, AcbSh accumbens nucleus shell, VP ventral pallidum. Septum and septal areas: BST bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, BSTL bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral, BSTM bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial, BAC bed nucleus of the anterior commissure, LS lateral septal nucleus, LSD lateral septal nucleus, dorsal part, SI substantia innominata, HDB nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band. Amygdala: Me medial amygdaloid nucleus, PLCo posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus, PMCo posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus, ACo anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleus, Ahi amygdalo-hippocampal area. Diencephalon: Th thalamus, AVVL anteroventral thalamic nucleus, ventrolateral, STh subthalamic nucleus (STh), LPMR lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, mediorostral, MD mediodorsal thalamic nucleus. Hypothalamus: AH anterior hypothalamic area, LH lateral hypothalamic area, SO supraoptic nucleus, SOR supraoptic nucleus, retrochiasmatic, Arc arcuate hypothalamic nucleus. Mammillary bodies: MM medial mammillary nucleus. Mesencephalon: SN substantia nigra, AVT ventrotegmental area, VLTg ventrolateral tegmental area, R red nucleus, SC superior colliculus, IC inferior colliculus, LPAG lateral periaqueductal gray. Pons and medulla: LC locus coeruleus, LPB lateral parabrachial nucleus, MPB medial parabrachial nucleus, RR retrorubral nucleus, Pn pontine nucleus (Pn), CGPn central gray of the pons, LDTg laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, LSO superior olive, lateral nucleus, IOD inferior olive, dorsal nucleus, IntA interposed cerebellar nucleus, anterior, IntP Interposed cerebellar nucleus, posterior, Cu cuneate nucleus, LVe lateral vestibular nucleus, SpVe spinal vestibular nucleus, MVePC medial vestibular nucleus, parvocellular, MVeMC medial vestibular nucleus, magnocellular, VLL ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, Sol solitary tract. Cb Cerebellum. See text for additional details. Scale bar = ×40

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