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Table 3 Lamina cribrosa cell and ONH astrocyte responses to recovery following oxygen-glucose deprivation.

From: Neurotrophin and Trk expression by cells of the human lamina cribrosa following oxygen-glucose deprivation


Lamina cribrosa cells

ONH astrocytes

Cell Number

80 % survival

80 % survival

NT Expression

↑ BDNF; others near control levels


Trk Expression

↓ Trk A, ↓ Trk C

↑ Trk A

Phospho-Trk Expression

↓ 148 kDa isoform; others near control levels

↑ 120 kDa isoform (Trk A); ↓ 148 kDa isoform

Secretion of NTs

near control levels