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Figure 18 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 18

From: Human sensory-evoked responses differ coincident with either "fusion-memory" or "flash-memory", as shown by stimulus repetition-rate effects

Figure 18

A-waves to either visual or auditory stimulation, using the same q-sequence. Abscissa: ms; ordinate V. Flash traces are inverted to correspond to VEP convention.

A: visA-waves to flashes at 40 S/s. Male subject, Bt, 17 yrs. NOTE the ordinate – the visual responses are much larger than auditory responses.

B: audA-waves to Dau-chirps at 40 S/s, same timing sequence and same subject as in A. NOTE that there are differences at short latencies (no G-waves in A), and in the duration of the A-wave oscillations. NOTE that the "jaggedness" of this trace may be due to the increased gain, as compared with A.

C: audA-waves to Dau-chirps at 40 S/s, same sequence as in B but the subject is different (Male subject, Ma, 26 yrs).

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