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Fig. 1 | BMC Neuroscience

Fig. 1

From: Amyloid-β plaque formation and reactive gliosis are required for induction of cognitive deficits in App knock-in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease

Fig. 1

Learning performance in AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F and AppNL/NL mice during training sessions in the Morris water maze task. a Schematic timeline of the Morris water maze (MWM) task. Mice received visible training for 4 days (4 trials per day) to assess motor and visual capabilities, followed by hidden training for 7 days (4 trials per day) to assess spatial learning ability. Two probe tests were conducted at 1 day after the sixth session (Probe test 1) and at 7 days after the seventh session of the hidden training (Probe test 2) to assess spatial memory performance. bd In the visible training sessions, AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F and AppNL/NL mice performed equally as well as WT mice. e and f During the hidden training sessions, AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F mice significantly spent more time and travelled a longer distance to reach the submerged platform than WT mice. g AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F mice significantly exhibited lower path efficiency relative to WT mice. h Swimming speed did not differ between AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F and WT mice. eh Spatial learning ability in AppNL/NL mice was equivalent of that in WT mice. n = 17 WT (B6J), n = 11 AppNL/NL, n  =  16 AppNL-G-F/NL-G-F

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