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Fig. 1 | BMC Neuroscience

Fig. 1

From: Chondroitinase ABC reduces dopaminergic nigral cell death and striatal terminal loss in a 6-hydroxydopamine partial lesion mouse model of Parkinson’s disease

Fig. 1

ChABC fails to improve cellular or motor outcomes in the full 6-OHDA lesion mouse model. Representative TH-stained coronal sections of a rostral SNc and b striatum from animals that received saline (top panel) or ChABC (bottom panel) into the 6-OHDA lesioned hemisphere (left hand side). Regions analysed for SNc cell counts and TH-fibre mean grey value (MGV) are outlined. c The number of SNc cells remaining and d TH-positive fibre MGV within the dorsal (D) and ventral (V) striatum are quantified in the lesioned hemisphere as a percentage of the intact hemisphere. Data are averaged across all three rostrocaudal levels. No significance was detected between saline- and ChABC-treated animals. Similarly, no difference was observed between saline- or ChABC-treated animals in either e asymmetry score or f net amphetamine induced ipsiversive rotations. Saline (Sal): n = 14 and ChABC: n = 13. Data are mean ± SEM. Scale bars: a = 200 µm; b = 1000 µm. g ChABC-mediated digestion was confirmed by C4S immunoreactivity. Digestion of the CSPGs, evidenced by C4S stain, was detected along the entire nigrostriatal tract from the SNc level (bottom section) to the striatal level (top section). Black arrows indicate ChABC injection sites

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