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Fig. 8 | BMC Neuroscience

Fig. 8

From: Exploring combat stress exposure effects on burn pain in a female rodent model

Fig. 8

Bony Proliferation scores after two and four weeks of UPCS. There were no significant differences between S + TI and NS + TI animals on the different pathology measurements examined. However, we further examined whether there were changes in pathology depending on the two stress time groups (NS + TI and S + TI, 2 weeks UPCS or NS + TI and S + TI, 4 weeks UPCS) (Fig. 8a-f). There was a significant difference between these two groups on bony proliferation, with the NS + TI and S + TI, 4 weeks showing more bone formation compared to the NS + TI and S + TI, 2 weeks (Fig. 8a-f). Additionally, while not significant, 4 weeks of UPCS exposure prior to TI showed elevated bony proliferation compared to NS + TI, 4 weeks (Fig. 8a-f). B-E: Black arrow is pointing to the bony proliferation observed in the S + TI, 4-week UPCS group (Fig. 8a-f). Asterisks indicate significant difference between groups, p < 0.05. Error bars represent SEM (n = 3-9)

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